TSeptember 30, the Japanese server for Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, which under the name of Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku in the East, turns 2 years after its release.

To celebrate, the official JP YouTube account uploaded an anime music video based on the 1st anniversary song, "Gunjo Sanka" by EVE. Produced by the Southern Institute and SCOOTER FILMS, the short shows a segmented summary of each groups main story.

Additionally, it features all of the game's main characters and the Virtual Singers (Vocaloids) versions of each world (Sekai) in action. They also recreate some of the card artwork obtainable in the title, which appears briefly at times.

More surprises for Colorful Stage players!
The video is not the only celebration of this second year. Both servers are running an in-game campaign, providing a sort of epilogue to each main story and items for players.

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