The images included in the expansion pack are an opportunity to revisit the depth and variety of the initial areas of WoW however with a different color. While Northrend is evidently heavily snow-based The developers have crammed an innovative amount of diversity into the new terrain to keep things fresh. The areas we visited were very pleasant to the touch in the area and featured several of the amazing landscape changes that were prominent in the first WoW cataclysm Gold. The change from snowy hills to redwood forest and devastated farmlands was well-done. We're also awestruck by the city of dwarfs that appears like a city that is akin to Ironforge. The only difference is the earth elementals that try to squeeze out the dwarfs by destroying the trees forced their way towards the city in every direction.

The elementals are also involved in more basic terror and are watching the city's interior from massive cracks on the roof. Sholazar Basin is another cool model for the WoW Ungoro Crater, and offers an enthralling tropical forest amid the frigid weather, due to the mysterious Pylons. But, as per the new game's tone (which appears to be an extension of the under-siege vibe of many locations within Burning Crusade), one of the pylons is down and unpleasant elements are leaking into the refuge.

Based on our experience, Wrath of the Lich King looks to be a highly anticipated expansion pack. Although what we played was still far from being finished it did show a good amount of polish within the game's quest flow and an already remarkable sense of size and the variety. We're still cautious on the entire Death Knight issue because as the situation is the character is quite large and may easily cause damage to several fundamental aspects of the game. We're hoping that Blizzard will keep an eye on the ground when the news about the class is released and make some changes when it hears from gamers. Keep an eye out for more information on WoW Cataclysm Classic: Wrath of the Lich King in the coming months.

The MMORPGs may affect marital satisfaction - study

A study conducted by Brigham Young University (BYU) has found that online role-playing games such as cheap WoW cataclysm Gold both negatively and positively affect marital satisfaction.