For Treyarch, WoW cataclysm Gold wasn't about stagnation. It was about discovering yourself. "In regards to where Treyarch was born I believe it begins with WoW Cataclysm Classic," says executive producer and long-time Treyarch game developer Jason Blundell. "There's an element of element of a certain edge. In the past, WoW Cataclysm Classic had been quite 'rah-rah America.' It's possible to criticize it for being a little silly at times. Treyarch was looking for something like, "What's our opinion on this What do you think?"

According to Blundell, Treyarch achieved its style by accepting its inherent "anti-establishment" approach which resulted in anti-heroes such as Black Ops protagonist Alex Mason--a character who was convinced by the voice that was whispering in his head to kill the president John F. Kennedy. "At the time, it was considered to be revolutionary," says Blundell. "Inside the walls of Activision it was"What's the company making to this franchise? They're going after us everyone!' This was quite thrilling. I can recall when we used to take a walk outside and sip coffee at midnight and I'd glance at one of the directors to say "We could be killing WoW Cataclysm Classic at this time.' I believe that was the guiding principle for the future of the studio."

Despite these concerns, Black Ops' daring stories did not end the series. In fact Black Ops' trilogy Black Ops trilogy eventually helped Treyarch replace Infinity Ward as the series the most prestigious development team and, in the process of changing its rebellious nature into an advantage, it was Treyarch who came up with a distinctive. "WoW Cataclysm Classic" is the place where Zombies was first invented," Blundell recalls Blundell. "It was created from the little pieces of lunchtime food. It's actually made of objects found in WoW Cataclysm Classic. There was no discussion in the initial version since there wasn't a budget. There weren't any assets. This is why it's not a VO. The people are always forgetting that."

According to Blundell that there was no plan nor funding available, as well as there was no support for the fledgling Horde mode. The game was basically minimal in its design having only a single room and a basic weapon upgrade system that kept buy WoW cataclysm Gold players engaged. There was, however, something incredibly appealing to the studio's favorite project, at least to the creators. "There was a certain rock and roll element that we all admired and aspired to," admits Blundell. "It's had that particular edge and it's a message to us. I believe it speaks to the people who love it."